Route length setting and Stop Indicators
(too old to reply)
2010-03-16 15:01:01 UTC
I have three things I am trying to do.
One is to show/print a mapped route WITHOUT the yellow programmed Stop
indicators. Can this be done?
Secondly, I would like to set a day's ride to a certain number of miles,
instead of a certain number of hours.
And Thirdly, I have programmed a 90 minute stop every 4 hours for lunch and
whatever. I'd also like to be able to program an additional automatic stop
every two hours for about 15 miuntes.
I am planning routes for a motorcycle trip, and about every two hours is
when we need to stop for fuel.
I have been using Streets and Trips since the 2004 version, and have asked
this question several times. Iwas really hoping at least ONE of these
features would have been built in by now! I have not found a way to do any of
these things, yet.
pyotr filipivich
2010-03-16 19:52:02 UTC
Let the Record show that rg27612 <***@discussions.microsoft.com>
on or about Tue, 16 Mar 2010 08:01:01 -0700 did write/type or cause to
Post by rg27612
I have three things I am trying to do.
One is to show/print a mapped route WITHOUT the yellow programmed Stop
indicators. Can this be done?
Apparently, still no.
Post by rg27612
Secondly, I would like to set a day's ride to a certain number of miles,
instead of a certain number of hours.
Microsoft knows you don't need that kind of complexity. (Same
reason they only let you set your speed in relation to some mythical
"average" speed. Sure you can make it from here to there in 8 hours -
if you drive 70 mph all the way.) A work around is to use the 'draw
circle' function to draw a circle N miles in radius. Find an
acceptable endpoint near that circle. Of course,this is N miles as
the crow flies. If he has to stick to the roads and buy gas along the
way .... different story. B-)
Post by rg27612
And Thirdly, I have programmed a 90 minute stop every 4 hours for lunch and
whatever. I'd also like to be able to program an additional automatic stop
every two hours for about 15 miuntes.
You can schedule a "rest stop" every N hours, automatically. But
the 90 minute lunch break is going to have to be planned manually.
Find a restaurant four hours down the road from start, and schedule a
stop there. Even if you don't eat there, at least your map will
consider it. Alternately, lengthen your rest stops, so that you have
(for 8 hours driving time) three stops totaling 2 hours (90 + 15 +
15+) or 40 minutes each. Yes, two of them will be long, and one
short, but ... unless you set you clock by the map ("We're at the
first stop, so it is now 10:14 AM {never mind we were an hour late
leaving.}) - flexibility is a good thing B-)
Post by rg27612
I am planning routes for a motorcycle trip, and about every two hours is
when we need to stop for fuel.
I have been using Streets and Trips since the 2004 version, and have asked
this question several times. Iwas really hoping at least ONE of these
features would have been built in by now! I have not found a way to do any of
these things, yet.
For the price, the software does well enough. As a generalized
application, it does well too. It is only when you get to the niche
markets (the remaining 80% of users) that there are problems. Trying
to plan a route for anything but a late model automobile which gets
good gas mileage at 75 MPH (like a Semi-truck, and RV, or a older
pickup), seems to be a chore.
(I won't mention how it picks as "quickest" a route which the
locals don't take...)
pyotr filipivich.
Just about the time you finally see light at the end of the tunnel,
you find out it's a Government Project to build more tunnel.
2010-03-19 20:02:13 UTC
Post by rg27612
I have three things I am trying to do.
One is to show/print a mapped route WITHOUT the yellow programmed Stop
indicators. Can this be done?
In most image editors, probably.
Post by rg27612
Secondly, I would like to set a day's ride to a certain number of miles,
instead of a certain number of hours.
Post by rg27612
And Thirdly, I have programmed a 90 minute stop every 4 hours for lunch and
whatever. I'd also like to be able to program an additional automatic stop
every two hours for about 15 miuntes.
I am planning routes for a motorcycle trip, and about every two hours is
when we need to stop for fuel.
What are you going to do at the end of 2 hours when there's no fuel
Post by rg27612
I have been using Streets and Trips since the 2004 version, and have asked
this question several times. Iwas really hoping at least ONE of these
features would have been built in by now! I have not found a way to do any of
these things, yet.
Try planning your trip with a little common sense. You can't just
stop and camp at the end of the day wherever x miles happens to be.

Trip planning, in it's classic form, requires you choose a
"destination", then work from there. If you're inventing another,
you're going to run into some challenges.

- gpsman
