How can I reach Streets & Trips development team?
(too old to reply)
2010-06-22 23:11:57 UTC
I have a long standing problem with Streets & Trips and have wanted to send
them feedback for over a year now but cant find a way to. How can I actually
reach the Streets & Trips development team, in their ivory tower?
Marvin Hlavac
2010-06-23 23:34:22 UTC
Post by Melissa
I have a long standing problem with Streets & Trips and have wanted to send
them feedback for over a year now but cant find a way to. How can I actually
reach the Streets & Trips development team, in their ivory tower?
Hi Melisa,

We have some people from the Streets and Trips team contributing to our
forum. You are welcome to post there your suggestions, questions, anything
related to the product. Here's the link:


Marvin Hlavac

Laptop GPS World
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