(too old to reply)
2010-04-03 08:58:01 UTC
I am really hating the black toolbars in the 2010 Microsoft Streets and Trips
and the fact that I can't add icons to the toolbar. I use the copy and paste
function a lot when moving locations between my maps and want to add the
icons to the toolbar. Am I missing some way to add to the toolbars and to
change the distracting black color?
Marvin Hlavac
2010-04-05 02:24:15 UTC
Post by Janila
I am really hating the black toolbars in the 2010 Microsoft Streets and Trips
and the fact that I can't add icons to the toolbar. I use the copy and paste
function a lot when moving locations between my maps and want to add the
icons to the toolbar. Am I missing some way to add to the toolbars and to
change the distracting black color?
Hi Janila,

Try to use keyboard shortcuts to cut (ctrl+x) or to copy (ctrl+c), and paste

For more Microsoft Streets and Trips discussions visit:
Richard Marsden
2010-04-05 15:46:56 UTC
Post by Janila
I am really hating the black toolbars in the 2010 Microsoft Streets and Trips
and the fact that I can't add icons to the toolbar. I use the copy and paste
function a lot when moving locations between my maps and want to add the
icons to the toolbar. Am I missing some way to add to the toolbars and to
change the distracting black color?
And you can't modify the toolbars very much. MapPoint lets you
enable/disable individual toolbars, but you cannot edit what appears on
them. I assume the same is true for Streets & Trips.

Richard Marsden
Winwaed Software Technology LLC
Tools and Add-ins for MapPoint - http://www.mapping-tools.com
The Geoweb Guru: http://www.geowebguru.com