GPSS Receiver for S & T 2010
(too old to reply)
2010-03-24 19:11:02 UTC
I Searched for answers but did not find anything lately so I will ask again.
I have a 2010 version of S & T and Just got a New eMachine Laptop so,
instead of fighting the hook up of the OLD Garman 48, Does anyone have any
good recommendations for an inexpensive unit that works well without a lot of
Roy Smith
2010-03-26 02:15:27 UTC
Post by Bud
I Searched for answers but did not find anything lately so I will ask again.
I have a 2010 version of S & T and Just got a New eMachine Laptop so,
instead of fighting the hook up of the OLD Garman 48, Does anyone have any
good recommendations for an inexpensive unit that works well without a lot of
The Pharos GPS-500 is the same GPS receiver that came with S&T 2008 (without
the Microsoft name on it) and works great. You might find one on Ebay for a
good price.
Roy Smith
Windows 7 Home Premium
Marvin Hlavac
2010-03-27 14:25:30 UTC
Post by Bud
I Searched for answers but did not find anything lately so I will ask again.
I have a 2010 version of S & T and Just got a New eMachine Laptop so,
instead of fighting the hook up of the OLD Garman 48, Does anyone have any
good recommendations for an inexpensive unit that works well without a lot of
A popular GPS receiver/antenna is GlobalSat BU-353

For more Microsoft Streets and Trips discussions visit:
2010-03-31 13:57:01 UTC
Thanks for the answers ...
I found this one while visiting laptopworld.
It came is a short time and works good... It didn't have software for
windows 7 but MS found and installed the appropriate ware and it was done.
Post by Marvin Hlavac
Post by Bud
I Searched for answers but did not find anything lately so I will ask again.
I have a 2010 version of S & T and Just got a New eMachine Laptop so,
instead of fighting the hook up of the OLD Garman 48, Does anyone have any
good recommendations for an inexpensive unit that works well without a lot of
A popular GPS receiver/antenna is GlobalSat BU-353