change default fuel costs permanently?
(too old to reply)
william wixon
2010-06-25 14:15:00 UTC
hi, is it possible someway to permanently change the default fuel
costs? it drives me nuts i've got to go in there every time i use S&T
and change what they've got there as teh defaults to what my mpg is.
pyotr filipivich
2010-06-25 16:14:19 UTC
Post by william wixon
hi, is it possible someway to permanently change the default fuel
costs? it drives me nuts i've got to go in there every time i use S&T
and change what they've got there as teh defaults to what my mpg is.
Save the map as a template ("Save As" -> type *.stt) If you over
write the default template, then all new maps will have that info
on/in them.
pyotr filipivich.
Just about the time you finally see light at the end of the tunnel,
you find out it's a Government Project to build more tunnel.