Downloading when no DVD drive
(too old to reply)
2010-01-12 20:00:01 UTC
I purchased Streets and Trips 2010 and loaded it on my laptop. I created a
couple trips and want to print them but my printer is not a network printer.
So I tried to load the application on my older desktop computer but it does
not have a DVD drive (on a CDR drive). I was able to download the
application but when I try to install it I get the following error message:

"CRC failed in Streets\MSMap\Redist\MSTTSEng_20\MSTTEng"

Unexpected end of archive

Can anyone help? Is there any way I can talk to a real person at Microsoft
for help?
Roy Smith
2010-01-13 03:00:07 UTC
Post by Bob
I purchased Streets and Trips 2010 and loaded it on my laptop. I created a
couple trips and want to print them but my printer is not a network printer.
So I tried to load the application on my older desktop computer but it does
not have a DVD drive (on a CDR drive). I was able to download the
"CRC failed in Streets\MSMap\Redist\MSTTSEng_20\MSTTEng"
Unexpected end of archive
Can anyone help? Is there any way I can talk to a real person at Microsoft
for help?
Sounds like it's a corrupt download. Try downloading it again and see
if that does any better.
Roy Smith
Windows 7

Timestamp: Tuesday, January 12, 2010 9:00:02 PM
2010-01-24 05:00:01 UTC
When I ran into that problem, I copied the program to a USB Flash Drive
and then copied the flash drive onto the old computer...
Post by Bob
I purchased Streets and Trips 2010 and loaded it on my laptop. I created a
couple trips and want to print them but my printer is not a network printer.
So I tried to load the application on my older desktop computer but it does
not have a DVD drive (on a CDR drive). I was able to download the
"CRC failed in Streets\MSMap\Redist\MSTTSEng_20\MSTTEng"
Unexpected end of archive
Can anyone help? Is there any way I can talk to a real person at Microsoft
for help?