Export function did not work - help
(too old to reply)
2010-01-12 18:27:01 UTC
I recently installed S&T 2010 on my PC under wimdows 7 and the export
function did not work. i can not export a route or location to either a file
or a gps.
2010-01-14 03:59:41 UTC
Post by rocklem
I recently installed S&T 2010 on my PC under wimdows 7 and the export
function did not work. i can not export a route or location to either a file
or a gps.
Could you add a bit more information, such as what actions you're taking and what fails to happen or error messages you get? Be sure you're using Data from the menu and exporting to a .gpx file, the type most GPS units can import.
Dee Earley
2010-01-14 11:09:16 UTC
Post by d381e
Post by rocklem
I recently installed S&T 2010 on my PC under wimdows 7 and the export
function did not work. i can not export a route or location to either a file
or a gps.
Could you add a bit more information, such as what actions you're
taking and what fails to happen or error messages you get? Be sure
you're using Data from the menu and exporting to a .gpx file, the
type most GPS units can import.
Oh, and try waiting more than 2 hours before posting again.
Dee Earley (***@icode.co.uk)
i-Catcher Development Team

iCode Systems
2010-01-15 00:33:46 UTC
Post by Dee Earley
Post by d381e
Post by rocklem
I recently installed S&T 2010 on my PC under wimdows 7 and the export
function did not work. i can not export a route or location to either a file
or a gps.
Could you add a bit more information, such as what actions you're
taking and what fails to happen or error messages you get? Be sure
you're using Data from the menu and exporting to a .gpx file, the
type most GPS units can import.
Oh, and try waiting more than 2 hours before posting again.
Huh? What are you saying? You're not getting your free help
fast enough?

Dee Earley
2010-01-15 09:45:13 UTC
Post by Dee Earley
Oh, and try waiting more than 2 hours before posting again.
Huh? What are you saying? You're not getting your free help fast enough?
I was saying that the OP should wait more then 2 hours before posting a
question the second time.
Made even worse by the fact they haven't come back and answered the
questions from the people that are giving the free help.

When this happens time and time again, we get a bit jaded.
Dee Earley (***@icode.co.uk)
i-Catcher Development Team

iCode Systems
2010-01-15 15:23:43 UTC
Post by Dee Earley
When this happens time and time again, we get a bit jaded.
We? Please speak only for yourself!

Dee Earley
2010-01-15 15:39:40 UTC
Post by Dee Earley
When this happens time and time again, we get a bit jaded.
We? Please speak only for yourself!
So everyone else (that helps) here is happy to get the same thankless
questions over and over again?

I'm 100% sure that I'm not alone, in this or any of the other support
groups I'm a member of.
Dee Earley (***@icode.co.uk)
i-Catcher Development Team

iCode Systems
2010-01-15 16:07:32 UTC
Post by Dee Earley
Post by Dee Earley
When this happens time and time again, we get a bit jaded.
We? Please speak only for yourself!
So everyone else (that helps) here is happy to get the same thankless
questions over and over again?
I'm 100% sure that I'm not alone, in this or any of the other support
groups I'm a member of.
You are getting your panties in a bunch over something which
you have absolutely no control! It is USENET! Use filters
or better yet just take a strain and relax! It's not the
cure for cancer!

Dee Earley
2010-01-15 16:41:50 UTC
Post by Dee Earley
Post by Dee Earley
When this happens time and time again, we get a bit jaded.
We? Please speak only for yourself!
So everyone else (that helps) here is happy to get the same thankless
questions over and over again?
I'm 100% sure that I'm not alone, in this or any of the other support
groups I'm a member of.
You are getting your panties in a bunch over something which you have
absolutely no control! It is USENET! Use filters or better yet just take
a strain and relax! It's not the cure for cancer!
Who said it was?
Someone appeared to be impatient, I politely suggested that they should
wait longer next time (because it is usenet).
Then you got in a strop.
Dee Earley (***@icode.co.uk)
i-Catcher Development Team

iCode Systems