"Locate me" feature S&T 2010
(too old to reply)
2010-03-26 07:00:01 UTC
I have read in several places that S&T 2010 is supposed to have a "locate me"
feature that can be used to pinpoint your location using surrounding wifi
networks as opposed to the GPS attachment. however I could not find this
ANYWHERE. can anyone help?
Marvin Hlavac
2010-03-27 14:13:31 UTC
Post by Futur3
I have read in several places that S&T 2010 is supposed to have a "locate me"
feature that can be used to pinpoint your location using surrounding wifi
networks as opposed to the GPS attachment. however I could not find this
ANYWHERE. can anyone help?
The 'locate me' feature was indeed present in earlier Streets and Trips
version. I no longer see it in the product. I suspect not too many people
used the feature since the feature's limited coverage.

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