iPhone's GPS hardware with Microsoft Streets and Trips
(too old to reply)
2009-09-01 00:49:01 UTC
Does anyone know if you can plug in the iPhone 3G via USB and use the phones
internal GPS to work with Microsoft Streets and Trips? I do not the software
that can be purchased or at comes free with the IPhone.
2009-09-01 03:24:51 UTC
I would say, not a chance. There would be two ways to do this technically.
Both amount to the same thing. You would have to find some piece of software
that reads the iPhone GPS and reroutes that to the USB port (sync/charge
connector). On the laptop you would need some piece of software that sees
the iPhone connection as a USB device and converts the incoming data to a
virtual serial port that S&T could see. While both could likely be done,
neither has been, and likely at least one would never make it through the
iTunes store. If it did get written you would likely need to jailbreak the
phone to use it. The second way would be to do about the same thing, but
transfer the data over BlueTooth. This again requires something on the
iPhone to grap the GPS data and transfer to a virtual serial port in the BT
stack. Not even sure the iPhone supports that profile....etc.

Don't feel bad, as often as this has been asked about Windows Mobile phones
with GPS, I haven't heard of that device having been made to work as a USB
GPS either. Cheaper to a) buy S&T with the GPS (actually a decent price), or
b) get a USB or BT GPS receiver. http://www.semsons.com/mousgpsrec.html has
a few options, for example.

Besides, getting a dedicated GPS receiver, ensures you won't lose your way
while taking a call.
Post by nolimitnp
Does anyone know if you can plug in the iPhone 3G via USB and use the phones
internal GPS to work with Microsoft Streets and Trips? I do not the software
that can be purchased or at comes free with the IPhone.
2014-04-20 15:09:30 UTC
I know this is an old thread, but the title asks the exact question I wanted answered. Plus... it shows up near the top in Google.

With Android, I am making it work, only with Bluetooth. Every week I drive a truck across state lines I link up my phone like this. (1) Turn on GPS on the phone. (2) Turn on Bluetooth. (3) Enable the GPS2BT widget. (https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.cajax.gps2bt2, no root required. (4) On my XP virtual machine (I use a Mac), bring up Bluesoleil (current version, http://www.bluesoleil.com/products/S0001201005190001.html). Note that this deactivates bluetooth for the Mac. (5) Start navigation in Streets & Trips.

Initial setup:
My phone and Bluesoleil are already paired.
S&T uses the serial port creates by Bluesoleil

