Version 2010 with Windows 7 Pro, GPS will not read satellite signa
(too old to reply)
2010-03-24 19:31:01 UTC
I have an HP pavilion laptop with a 2.2ghz Pent 4, 8gb ram, 500gb hd, Windows
7 Professional 64bit

I had S&T 2008 with the GPS receiver on the system, and it worked great. I
decided to upgrade and put 2010 on my system, which at the time I had Win 7
Home Premuim. It worked great for about 3 months, until I upgraded to
Professional. THen it was a mess. GPS wouldn't work, even with a re-install
of the current drivers. THen, the program crashed and I couldn't get it to
run again.

I just got the program running again, after MS ran a patch that cleaned up
the program registration data base. Now the program works great, but the GPS
won't connect to any satellite signals. I can plug the GPS into my other
laptop wiht S7T 2008 on it with Win 7 Pro, and it works great. I've done all
the things that MS has on their site that is related to the problem with no

I can find NO hardware conflicts, no software conflicts. The GPS shows up in
the device manager as working properly. S&T will find and configure the GPS,
but it sits there for a very long time, searching for signals. Evenutally I
get a timeout window that asks if I want to keep searching for signals..
Click yes, and it will sit there for hours, and hours and never find a signal.

I can shut down the lapop, put the GPS sensor on my Toshiba with 4gb ram,
Win 7 Pro, and 2008 S&T, and it works great... finds signals within a minute
or two at most..

ANYONE HAVE A SIMILAR PROBLEM???? Or have a solution ?
Dee Earley
2010-03-26 11:00:59 UTC
Post by nmguy04
I have an HP pavilion laptop with a 2.2ghz Pent 4, 8gb ram, 500gb hd, Windows
7 Professional 64bit
I had S&T 2008 with the GPS receiver on the system, and it worked great. I
decided to upgrade and put 2010 on my system, which at the time I had Win 7
Home Premuim. It worked great for about 3 months, until I upgraded to
Professional. THen it was a mess. GPS wouldn't work, even with a re-install
of the current drivers. THen, the program crashed and I couldn't get it to
run again.
I just got the program running again, after MS ran a patch that cleaned up
the program registration data base. Now the program works great, but the GPS
won't connect to any satellite signals. I can plug the GPS into my other
laptop wiht S7T 2008 on it with Win 7 Pro, and it works great. I've done all
the things that MS has on their site that is related to the problem with no
I can find NO hardware conflicts, no software conflicts. The GPS shows up in
the device manager as working properly. S&T will find and configure the GPS,
but it sits there for a very long time, searching for signals. Evenutally I
get a timeout window that asks if I want to keep searching for signals..
Click yes, and it will sit there for hours, and hours and never find a signal.
I can shut down the lapop, put the GPS sensor on my Toshiba with 4gb ram,
Win 7 Pro, and 2008 S&T, and it works great... finds signals within a minute
or two at most..
ANYONE HAVE A SIMILAR PROBLEM???? Or have a solution ?
Is the GPS receiver itself in the same place?
Maybe it has signal in one place and not another?
Or Autoroute is using the wrong port.

Does any other GPS/mapping app show the signal ont he same PC?
Dee Earley (***@icode.co.uk)
i-Catcher Development Team

iCode Systems