GPX file to Garmin question Waypoints?
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Robert L. Altic Jr.
2010-04-02 20:32:14 UTC
Hi All,
I have tried exporting a trip from S&T 2010 and loaded it into
Mapsource. When I recalculate the route, the start and stop are
there, but the stops in S&T have been converted to via points. Can
these be used as way points by the 2720 or do they only show on the
route? What I would like to do is export from S&T to enable all the
way points to be transfered to my 2720. Any suggestions? Best, Bob
2010-04-13 03:52:49 UTC
Post by Robert L. Altic Jr.
Hi All,
I have tried exporting a trip from S&T 2010 and loaded it into
Mapsource. When I recalculate the route, the start and stop are
there, but the stops in S&T have been converted to via points. Can
these be used as way points by the 2720 or do they only show on the
route? What I would like to do is export from S&T to enable all the
way points to be transfered to my 2720. Any suggestions? Best, Bob
Hello, Robert. Did you reexport the Mapsource trip to the GPS and get your answer? My assumption is that any stop in Mapsource is stored as a Favorite in a Garmin (I'm assuming the 2720 is a Garmin). If it isn't stored as a Favorite, while you're in Mapsource, you could store and name each stop as a Waypoint, and it'll be there as a Favorite when exported to the Garmin.

Robert L. Altic Jr.
2010-04-13 13:12:28 UTC
Hi David,
I exported a trip from S&T to the GPX file and imported into
MapSource. It listed the stops as viapoints. I was wondering if I
can convert the viapoints to actual waypoints. I probablly should
export the trip into the GPS and see what it does. Thanks for you
Post by d381e
Post by Robert L. Altic Jr.
Hi All,
I have tried exporting a trip from S&T 2010 and loaded it into
Mapsource. When I recalculate the route, the start and stop are
there, but the stops in S&T have been converted to via points. Can
these be used as way points by the 2720 or do they only show on the
route? What I would like to do is export from S&T to enable all the
way points to be transfered to my 2720. Any suggestions? Best, Bob
Hello, Robert. Did you reexport the Mapsource trip to the GPS and get your answer? My assumption is that any stop in Mapsource is stored as a Favorite in a Garmin (I'm assuming the 2720 is a Garmin). If it isn't stored as a Favorite, while you're in Mapsource, you could store and name each stop as a Waypoint, and it'll be there as a Favorite when exported to the Garmin.
2010-04-14 12:38:48 UTC
Hi, Bob. When you export a map from S&T and see the Waypoints in Mapsource, I think that the Waypoints become Favorites when imported into the Garmin. You could experiment with a short Route made from dummy Waypoints and see what appears in the Garmin when you import it. I'm sure you've already seen that Routes in Mapsource are merely straight lines between Waypoints, but when you save them and import them into S&T or a GPS, the software or device will calculate how it wants to get to those Waypoints using its own mapping criteria.

On the same topic, I haven't found a way to get a single Route and its related Waypoints into Mapsource from the Garmin without getting all the unrelated stuff. I can delete unwanted Routes, but can't find an easy way to delete Waypoints and save only the ones associated with the Route. Copying the Route into a new map removes ALL Waypoints from the Waypoints list, even though the turns still show as Waypoints in the Route.

Let us know what you find.

Post by Robert L. Altic Jr.
Hi David,
I exported a trip from S&T to the GPX file and imported into
MapSource. It listed the stops as viapoints. I was wondering if I
can convert the viapoints to actual waypoints. I probablly should
export the trip into the GPS and see what it does. Thanks for you
Post by d381e
Post by Robert L. Altic Jr.
Hi All,
I have tried exporting a trip from S&T 2010 and loaded it into
Mapsource. When I recalculate the route, the start and stop are
there, but the stops in S&T have been converted to via points. Can
these be used as way points by the 2720 or do they only show on the
route? What I would like to do is export from S&T to enable all the
way points to be transfered to my 2720. Any suggestions? Best, Bob
Hello, Robert. Did you reexport the Mapsource trip to the GPS and get your answer? My assumption is that any stop in Mapsource is stored as a Favorite in a Garmin (I'm assuming the 2720 is a Garmin). If it isn't stored as a Favorite, while you're in Mapsource, you could store and name each stop as a Waypoint, and it'll be there as a Favorite when exported to the Garmin.
Robert L. Altic Jr.
2010-04-14 13:48:41 UTC
Hi David,
I plan on working on some sample trips this weekend. I'll let you
know. Best, Bob
Post by d381e
Hi, Bob. When you export a map from S&T and see the Waypoints in Mapsource, I think that the Waypoints become Favorites when imported into the Garmin. You could experiment with a short Route made from dummy Waypoints and see what appears in the Garmin when you import it. I'm sure you've already seen that Routes in Mapsource are merely straight lines between Waypoints, but when you save them and import them into S&T or a GPS, the software or device will calculate how it wants to get to those Waypoints using its own mapping criteria.
On the same topic, I haven't found a way to get a single Route and its related Waypoints into Mapsource from the Garmin without getting all the unrelated stuff. I can delete unwanted Routes, but can't find an easy way to delete Waypoints and save only the ones associated with the Route. Copying the Route into a new map removes ALL Waypoints from the Waypoints list, even though the turns still show as Waypoints in the Route.
Let us know what you find.
Post by Robert L. Altic Jr.
Hi David,
I exported a trip from S&T to the GPX file and imported into
MapSource. It listed the stops as viapoints. I was wondering if I
can convert the viapoints to actual waypoints. I probablly should
export the trip into the GPS and see what it does. Thanks for you
Post by d381e
Post by Robert L. Altic Jr.
Hi All,
I have tried exporting a trip from S&T 2010 and loaded it into
Mapsource. When I recalculate the route, the start and stop are
there, but the stops in S&T have been converted to via points. Can
these be used as way points by the 2720 or do they only show on the
route? What I would like to do is export from S&T to enable all the
way points to be transfered to my 2720. Any suggestions? Best, Bob
Hello, Robert. Did you reexport the Mapsource trip to the GPS and get your answer? My assumption is that any stop in Mapsource is stored as a Favorite in a Garmin (I'm assuming the 2720 is a Garmin). If it isn't stored as a Favorite, while you're in Mapsource, you could store and name each stop as a Waypoint, and it'll be there as a Favorite when exported to the Garmin.