Need to export pushpins from S&T 2009.
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2010-03-12 20:37:01 UTC
Over three years I have manually added hundreds of pushpins to a S&T 2009
file (.est) I use for RV trips, but the file has suddenly become slow to use.
In addition, the file just increased in size from about 400KB to over 115MB.
I would like to export my pushpins from this file into any type of data
base, then reinstall S&T 2009, then import my old pushpins.

Does anyone know how to export pushpins from S&T 2009? Or should I be
following some other path to restoring my RV file? In addition, why would a
file I am using suddenly increase in size 25-fold?

2010-03-16 01:13:28 UTC
Post by RVDave
Over three years I have manually added hundreds of pushpins to a S&T 2009
file (.est) I use for RV trips, but the file has suddenly become slow to use.
In addition, the file just increased in size from about 400KB to over 115MB.
I would like to export my pushpins from this file into any type of data
base, then reinstall S&T 2009, then import my old pushpins.
Does anyone know how to export pushpins from S&T 2009? Or should I be
following some other path to restoring my RV file? In addition, why would a
file I am using suddenly increase in size 25-fold?
For exporting pushpins, have a look at POIConverter:
I've used it for several years. I've always had mixed results with pushpins when going from one version of S&T to another, whether it's been through opening the old map in the new version, or importing pushpins.

S&T 2010 allows exporting data to .gpx files. I had S&T 2008, but not 2009, so I don't know if 2009 allowed exporting. I found this feature one of several that made S&T 2010 a very worthwhile upgrade.

I have no clue to why the map file would explode in size all of a sudden. Is there more than one pushpin file in the map? Try copying the pushpin file to a new map and save it with a new name, and compare the map sizes.

Marvin Hlavac
2010-03-18 11:06:23 UTC
Post by RVDave
Over three years I have manually added hundreds of pushpins to a S&T 2009
file (.est) I use for RV trips, but the file has suddenly become slow to use.
In addition, the file just increased in size from about 400KB to over 115MB.
I would like to export my pushpins from this file into any type of data
base, then reinstall S&T 2009, then import my old pushpins.
Does anyone know how to export pushpins from S&T 2009? Or should I be
following some other path to restoring my RV file? In addition, why would a
file I am using suddenly increase in size 25-fold?
Hi RVDave,

There was a 4 page long discussion of this issue over at Laptop GPS World.
At least one user has reported that this issue is no longer present in the
new Streets & Trips 2010.

Here's the link:

Streets & Trips 2009 HUGE MAP FILES
Marvin Hlavac
Laptop GPS World