Streets & Trips won't open to last saved map view
(too old to reply)
2010-02-25 10:52:32 UTC
Over the past week or so, whenever I open S&T, the map display does
not open to my last saved view. It opens to a same view, almost like a
template, but not the geography that I saved it to the last time I
opened it. It will save the last route planner and other settings, but
the actual map geogrphic view continually reverts to an area that I
saved months ago. Since it just started happening, I am not aware of
any other changes I could have done that would have caused this. Has
anybody else experienced this? It doesn't hurt anything but is an
Dee Earley
2010-02-25 16:54:24 UTC
Post by wdkempf
Over the past week or so, whenever I open S&T, the map display does
not open to my last saved view. It opens to a same view, almost like a
template, but not the geography that I saved it to the last time I
opened it. It will save the last route planner and other settings, but
the actual map geogrphic view continually reverts to an area that I
saved months ago. Since it just started happening, I am not aware of
any other changes I could have done that would have caused this. Has
anybody else experienced this? It doesn't hurt anything but is an
What version of S&T?
They have never saved the view automatically until 2010 that has an
option to save on demand or automatically in the settings.
Dee Earley (***@icode.co.uk)
i-Catcher Development Team

iCode Systems