Win 7 S&T 2010 netbooks
(too old to reply)
2010-02-02 00:02:01 UTC
It took a while but I finally got S&T to load on my Toshiba netbook the spec
say that you need 2 meg of ram to run I have that the only problem was it
took trying to install 3 times before it finally took. work fine now even
with the GPS.
2010-02-22 02:28:01 UTC
Post by TK
It took a while but I finally got S&T to load on my Toshiba netbook the spec
say that you need 2 meg of ram to run I have that the only problem was it
took trying to install 3 times before it finally took. work fine now even
with the GPS.
TK. Are you running 7 Starter or 7 Home. I have a new TOSHIBA NB305. I'd
like to get S%T up and running on it. Haven't upgraded to 2 gb yet.