Streets and Trips 2010 Install Failure
(too old to reply)
2009-09-21 22:21:02 UTC
I have S&T 2009 installed and I downloaded the trial version of S&T 2010.
When I tried to install it, it extracted all of the files and then a window
popped up stating that there were to required components that needed to be
installed first, one of which was netframework 3.5, I think. It started to
install net framework but about 15 or so minutes into it, another message
popped up saying that the installation could not be completed because one of
the required components failed to install (I'm assuming it was net framework.
I disabled all of my security software prior to trying the install and I
even deleted and re-installed net framework 1 and 2, but that didn't help
either when I tried again to instal S&T 2010. Does anyone have any
Roy Smith
2009-09-21 22:54:57 UTC
Post by robby-robot
I have S&T 2009 installed and I downloaded the trial version of S&T 2010.
When I tried to install it, it extracted all of the files and then a window
popped up stating that there were to required components that needed to be
installed first, one of which was netframework 3.5, I think. It started to
install net framework but about 15 or so minutes into it, another message
popped up saying that the installation could not be completed because one of
the required components failed to install (I'm assuming it was net framework.
I disabled all of my security software prior to trying the install and I
even deleted and re-installed net framework 1 and 2, but that didn't help
either when I tried again to instal S&T 2010. Does anyone have any
Bitch at Microsoft??? ;-)

OK so when you re-installed Net Framework 1 & 2 you did reboot after
removing each one, right? Can you recall what the exact wording of the
error message that you saw? Also it would be helpful to know if this is
on XP or Vista (I'm assuming XP).
Roy Smith
Windows XP Pro SP3
2009-09-22 04:07:01 UTC
Roy, My OS is an XP SP3. I'm going to go through the un-install and
re-install process again, making sure that I reboot after each uninstall and
re-install and I will do a better job of writing down the error messages. In
my last re-install of NET Framework, only NET Framework 1.1 installed w/o
errors. NET Framework 2.0 did not complete its install. I might be setting
myself up for a fresh install of Vista on my laptop and starting from "real"
scratch. I'ts been quite some time since I've done a complete fresh install
of an OS and I don't know if I'm up to the time consuming task.
Post by Roy Smith
Post by robby-robot
I have S&T 2009 installed and I downloaded the trial version of S&T 2010.
When I tried to install it, it extracted all of the files and then a window
popped up stating that there were to required components that needed to be
installed first, one of which was netframework 3.5, I think. It started to
install net framework but about 15 or so minutes into it, another message
popped up saying that the installation could not be completed because one of
the required components failed to install (I'm assuming it was net framework.
I disabled all of my security software prior to trying the install and I
even deleted and re-installed net framework 1 and 2, but that didn't help
either when I tried again to instal S&T 2010. Does anyone have any
Bitch at Microsoft??? ;-)
OK so when you re-installed Net Framework 1 & 2 you did reboot after
removing each one, right? Can you recall what the exact wording of the
error message that you saw? Also it would be helpful to know if this is
on XP or Vista (I'm assuming XP).
Roy Smith
Windows XP Pro SP3
Dee Earley
2009-09-22 08:08:06 UTC
Post by robby-robot
I have S&T 2009 installed and I downloaded the trial version of S&T 2010.
When I tried to install it, it extracted all of the files and then a window
popped up stating that there were to required components that needed to be
installed first, one of which was netframework 3.5, I think. It started to
install net framework but about 15 or so minutes into it, another message
popped up saying that the installation could not be completed because one of
the required components failed to install (I'm assuming it was net framework.
I disabled all of my security software prior to trying the install and I
even deleted and re-installed net framework 1 and 2, but that didn't help
either when I tried again to instal S&T 2010. Does anyone have any
You could try installing .net 3.5 manually.
Dee Earley (***@icode.co.uk)
i-Catcher Development Team

iCode Systems
2009-09-22 18:22:05 UTC

Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately, at this point the only NET
Framework that I can get installed is 1.1. 2.0 fails. Consequently, I can't
even get to the point of manually installing 3.5, although I did try that
before I deleted all of the NET Framework versions. In hindsight, I believe
that when I had originally tried to install S&T 2010, I already had NET
Framework 3.5 installed on my computer. I'm going to try to do a restore to
a date prior to my first attempt to install S&T 2010 and see what happens. I
did a restore early on and tried to install S&T with no success.
Post by Dee Earley
Post by robby-robot
I have S&T 2009 installed and I downloaded the trial version of S&T 2010.
When I tried to install it, it extracted all of the files and then a window
popped up stating that there were to required components that needed to be
installed first, one of which was netframework 3.5, I think. It started to
install net framework but about 15 or so minutes into it, another message
popped up saying that the installation could not be completed because one of
the required components failed to install (I'm assuming it was net framework.
I disabled all of my security software prior to trying the install and I
even deleted and re-installed net framework 1 and 2, but that didn't help
either when I tried again to instal S&T 2010. Does anyone have any
You could try installing .net 3.5 manually.
i-Catcher Development Team
iCode Systems
Roy Smith
2009-09-22 20:49:47 UTC
Post by robby-robot
Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately, at this point the only NET
Framework that I can get installed is 1.1. 2.0 fails. Consequently, I can't
even get to the point of manually installing 3.5, although I did try that
before I deleted all of the NET Framework versions. In hindsight, I believe
that when I had originally tried to install S&T 2010, I already had NET
Framework 3.5 installed on my computer. I'm going to try to do a restore to
a date prior to my first attempt to install S&T 2010 and see what happens. I
did a restore early on and tried to install S&T with no success.
Post by Dee Earley
Post by robby-robot
I have S&T 2009 installed and I downloaded the trial version of S&T 2010.
When I tried to install it, it extracted all of the files and then a window
popped up stating that there were to required components that needed to be
installed first, one of which was netframework 3.5, I think. It started to
install net framework but about 15 or so minutes into it, another message
popped up saying that the installation could not be completed because one of
the required components failed to install (I'm assuming it was net framework.
I disabled all of my security software prior to trying the install and I
even deleted and re-installed net framework 1 and 2, but that didn't help
either when I tried again to instal S&T 2010. Does anyone have any
You could try installing .net 3.5 manually.
Well if all else fails you could always go to support.microsoft.com and
search the KB database for articles about Net framework failing to
2009-09-24 16:01:01 UTC
Good Morning Roy and Dee,

I did a restore of my computer to the day before I tried my first
installation of S&T 2010. I then tried installing S&T again but it failed
because it couldn't install NET Framework 3.5. I then tried to install NF
3.5 manually and on the second try, it installed. I then tried to install
S&T again and was successful. But here's where it gets interesting. Under
my add/remove programs, NF2.0 does not show up, but on the installation
report for microsoft update it does. I tried to install NF2.0 and received
the following error message. "Steup cannot continue because this version of
NET Framework is incompatible with a previously installed one. For more
information see......". I went to the microsoft help and support website
(http://support.microsoft.com/kb/906894) and found the recommendation to
remove NF2.0 SP1 and then install NF2.0. On one hand, I'm okay with not
doing that but when I tried to install NF3.5 SP1, it wouldn't install. The
log file had the following message " [09/24/09,10:31:06] Microsoft .NET
Framework 2.0a: [2] Error: Installation failed for component Microsoft .NET
Framework 2.0a. MSI returned error code 1603
[09/24/09,10:31:14] WapUI: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft .NET Framework
2.0a is not installed." This error message would lead me to believe that I
will have to uninstall NF2.0 SP1, then install NF2.0, then install NF2.0 SP1
in order to install NF3.5 SP1. Let me know what your thoughts are on this.
I'm somewhat afraid that if I uninstall NF2.0 SP1 and then try to install
NF2.0, I'll get more error messages and that it might screw up my current
installation of NF3.0 and NF3.5.

Thank you.
Post by Roy Smith
Post by robby-robot
Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately, at this point the only NET
Framework that I can get installed is 1.1. 2.0 fails. Consequently, I can't
even get to the point of manually installing 3.5, although I did try that
before I deleted all of the NET Framework versions. In hindsight, I believe
that when I had originally tried to install S&T 2010, I already had NET
Framework 3.5 installed on my computer. I'm going to try to do a restore to
a date prior to my first attempt to install S&T 2010 and see what happens. I
did a restore early on and tried to install S&T with no success.
Post by Dee Earley
Post by robby-robot
I have S&T 2009 installed and I downloaded the trial version of S&T 2010.
When I tried to install it, it extracted all of the files and then a window
popped up stating that there were to required components that needed to be
installed first, one of which was netframework 3.5, I think. It started to
install net framework but about 15 or so minutes into it, another message
popped up saying that the installation could not be completed because one of
the required components failed to install (I'm assuming it was net framework.
I disabled all of my security software prior to trying the install and I
even deleted and re-installed net framework 1 and 2, but that didn't help
either when I tried again to instal S&T 2010. Does anyone have any
You could try installing .net 3.5 manually.
Well if all else fails you could always go to support.microsoft.com and
search the KB database for articles about Net framework failing to
2009-09-24 16:13:03 UTC
I am assuming that if I uninstall NF2.0 SP1 to install NF2.0, I will not have
to unistall NF3.0, NF3.0 Hotfix, NF3.0 SP1 or NF3.5 also. Let me know if you
agree. My concern again is that in the past, when trying to uninstall any NF
version, I typically get error messages.
Post by robby-robot
Good Morning Roy and Dee,
I did a restore of my computer to the day before I tried my first
installation of S&T 2010. I then tried installing S&T again but it failed
because it couldn't install NET Framework 3.5. I then tried to install NF
3.5 manually and on the second try, it installed. I then tried to install
S&T again and was successful. But here's where it gets interesting. Under
my add/remove programs, NF2.0 does not show up, but on the installation
report for microsoft update it does. I tried to install NF2.0 and received
the following error message. "Steup cannot continue because this version of
NET Framework is incompatible with a previously installed one. For more
information see......". I went to the microsoft help and support website
(http://support.microsoft.com/kb/906894) and found the recommendation to
remove NF2.0 SP1 and then install NF2.0. On one hand, I'm okay with not
doing that but when I tried to install NF3.5 SP1, it wouldn't install. The
log file had the following message " [09/24/09,10:31:06] Microsoft .NET
Framework 2.0a: [2] Error: Installation failed for component Microsoft .NET
Framework 2.0a. MSI returned error code 1603
[09/24/09,10:31:14] WapUI: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft .NET Framework
2.0a is not installed." This error message would lead me to believe that I
will have to uninstall NF2.0 SP1, then install NF2.0, then install NF2.0 SP1
in order to install NF3.5 SP1. Let me know what your thoughts are on this.
I'm somewhat afraid that if I uninstall NF2.0 SP1 and then try to install
NF2.0, I'll get more error messages and that it might screw up my current
installation of NF3.0 and NF3.5.
Thank you.
Post by Roy Smith
Post by robby-robot
Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately, at this point the only NET
Framework that I can get installed is 1.1. 2.0 fails. Consequently, I can't
even get to the point of manually installing 3.5, although I did try that
before I deleted all of the NET Framework versions. In hindsight, I believe
that when I had originally tried to install S&T 2010, I already had NET
Framework 3.5 installed on my computer. I'm going to try to do a restore to
a date prior to my first attempt to install S&T 2010 and see what happens. I
did a restore early on and tried to install S&T with no success.
Post by Dee Earley
Post by robby-robot
I have S&T 2009 installed and I downloaded the trial version of S&T 2010.
When I tried to install it, it extracted all of the files and then a window
popped up stating that there were to required components that needed to be
installed first, one of which was netframework 3.5, I think. It started to
install net framework but about 15 or so minutes into it, another message
popped up saying that the installation could not be completed because one of
the required components failed to install (I'm assuming it was net framework.
I disabled all of my security software prior to trying the install and I
even deleted and re-installed net framework 1 and 2, but that didn't help
either when I tried again to instal S&T 2010. Does anyone have any
You could try installing .net 3.5 manually.
Well if all else fails you could always go to support.microsoft.com and
search the KB database for articles about Net framework failing to
2010-04-20 07:35:01 UTC
Here is the solution.

Post by robby-robot
I am assuming that if I uninstall NF2.0 SP1 to install NF2.0, I will not have
to unistall NF3.0, NF3.0 Hotfix, NF3.0 SP1 or NF3.5 also. Let me know if you
agree. My concern again is that in the past, when trying to uninstall any NF
version, I typically get error messages.
Post by robby-robot
Good Morning Roy and Dee,
I did a restore of my computer to the day before I tried my first
installation of S&T 2010. I then tried installing S&T again but it failed
because it couldn't install NET Framework 3.5. I then tried to install NF
3.5 manually and on the second try, it installed. I then tried to install
S&T again and was successful. But here's where it gets interesting. Under
my add/remove programs, NF2.0 does not show up, but on the installation
report for microsoft update it does. I tried to install NF2.0 and received
the following error message. "Steup cannot continue because this version of
NET Framework is incompatible with a previously installed one. For more
information see......". I went to the microsoft help and support website
(http://support.microsoft.com/kb/906894) and found the recommendation to
remove NF2.0 SP1 and then install NF2.0. On one hand, I'm okay with not
doing that but when I tried to install NF3.5 SP1, it wouldn't install. The
log file had the following message " [09/24/09,10:31:06] Microsoft .NET
Framework 2.0a: [2] Error: Installation failed for component Microsoft .NET
Framework 2.0a. MSI returned error code 1603
[09/24/09,10:31:14] WapUI: [2] DepCheck indicates Microsoft .NET Framework
2.0a is not installed." This error message would lead me to believe that I
will have to uninstall NF2.0 SP1, then install NF2.0, then install NF2.0 SP1
in order to install NF3.5 SP1. Let me know what your thoughts are on this.
I'm somewhat afraid that if I uninstall NF2.0 SP1 and then try to install
NF2.0, I'll get more error messages and that it might screw up my current
installation of NF3.0 and NF3.5.
Thank you.
Post by Roy Smith
Post by robby-robot
Thanks for the suggestions. Unfortunately, at this point the only NET
Framework that I can get installed is 1.1. 2.0 fails. Consequently, I can't
even get to the point of manually installing 3.5, although I did try that
before I deleted all of the NET Framework versions. In hindsight, I believe
that when I had originally tried to install S&T 2010, I already had NET
Framework 3.5 installed on my computer. I'm going to try to do a restore to
a date prior to my first attempt to install S&T 2010 and see what happens. I
did a restore early on and tried to install S&T with no success.
Post by Dee Earley
Post by robby-robot
I have S&T 2009 installed and I downloaded the trial version of S&T 2010.
When I tried to install it, it extracted all of the files and then a window
popped up stating that there were to required components that needed to be
installed first, one of which was netframework 3.5, I think. It started to
install net framework but about 15 or so minutes into it, another message
popped up saying that the installation could not be completed because one of
the required components failed to install (I'm assuming it was net framework.
I disabled all of my security software prior to trying the install and I
even deleted and re-installed net framework 1 and 2, but that didn't help
either when I tried again to instal S&T 2010. Does anyone have any
You could try installing .net 3.5 manually.
Well if all else fails you could always go to support.microsoft.com and
search the KB database for articles about Net framework failing to