How to simultaneously display a 'find nearby paces' at two locations?
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Paul Randall
2010-04-06 01:55:22 UTC
There are times that I would like to meet someone at an interesting place
place about half way between our locations. I was thinking that if I could
draw circles around these locations, then the intersection of those circles
would be a good place to search for interesting things to visit.

Does anyone have a way to do this in S&T? I have 2010 and 2007 available.

I have found that I can copy the screen to clipboard for two S&T windows
that each display one circle, and past the images into MSPaint, select the
map area and copy that, pasting it into a new paint window, and then save
them as TIF files. I then use Microsoft's free image composite editor (ICE)
to stitch the two images together. ICE does a good job -- if the images are
offset horizontally or vertically, it automatically does the stitch at an
angle. Of course, this image is not dynamic, and it would be much better if
S&T could do the two circles simultaneously.

-Paul Randall
pyotr filipivich
2010-04-06 07:25:40 UTC
Let the Record show that "Paul Randall" <***@cableone.net> on or
about Mon, 5 Apr 2010 20:55:22 -0500 did write/type or cause to appear
Post by Paul Randall
There are times that I would like to meet someone at an interesting place
place about half way between our locations. I was thinking that if I could
draw circles around these locations, then the intersection of those circles
would be a good place to search for interesting things to visit.
Not sure what you're trying to do. If you';re looking for the mid
point between to locations, there's the "as the crow flies" method of
using two circles with the "draw circle option" using the draw tools.

the other is to use the "Create Drive time Zones" which will give
you a some what more realistic evaluation. (I say "somewhat more
realistic" as I find that on occasion, ST will find something which is
a 20 minute drive from 'here' to actually be inside the 20 minute
drive time zone. Usually it will be outside.)
Post by Paul Randall
Does anyone have a way to do this in S&T? I have 2010 and 2007 available.
I have found that I can copy the screen to clipboard for two S&T windows
that each display one circle, and past the images into MSPaint, select the
map area and copy that, pasting it into a new paint window, and then save
them as TIF files. I then use Microsoft's free image composite editor (ICE)
to stitch the two images together. ICE does a good job -- if the images are
offset horizontally or vertically, it automatically does the stitch at an
angle. Of course, this image is not dynamic, and it would be much better if
S&T could do the two circles simultaneously.
-Paul Randall
pyotr filipivich.
Just about the time you finally see light at the end of the tunnel,
you find out it's a Government Project to build more tunnel.
Marvin Hlavac
2010-04-06 23:59:54 UTC
Post by Paul Randall
There are times that I would like to meet someone at an interesting place
place about half way between our locations. I was thinking that if I
could draw circles around these locations, then the intersection of those
circles would be a good place to search for interesting things to visit.
Paul, use the Radius tool (it's on the Drawing toolbar).

For more Microsoft Streets and Trips discussions visit:
Paul Randall
2010-04-07 20:13:08 UTC
Thanks, Marvin
That is just exactly what I wanted, including the ability to hide the radius

-Paul Randall
Post by Marvin Hlavac
Post by Paul Randall
There are times that I would like to meet someone at an interesting place
place about half way between our locations. I was thinking that if I
could draw circles around these locations, then the intersection of those
circles would be a good place to search for interesting things to visit.
Paul, use the Radius tool (it's on the Drawing toolbar).
pyotr filipivich
2010-04-08 09:07:48 UTC
Post by Paul Randall
Thanks, Marvin
That is just exactly what I wanted, including the ability to hide the radius
Make the line the smallest thickness.
Post by Paul Randall
-Paul Randall
Post by Marvin Hlavac
Post by Paul Randall
There are times that I would like to meet someone at an interesting place
place about half way between our locations. I was thinking that if I
could draw circles around these locations, then the intersection of those
circles would be a good place to search for interesting things to visit.
Paul, use the Radius tool (it's on the Drawing toolbar).
pyotr filipivich.
Just about the time you finally see light at the end of the tunnel,
you find out it's a Government Project to build more tunnel.
