Mouse - GPS interference
(too old to reply)
2010-07-15 06:36:14 UTC
Problem: every once in a while Windows suddenly thinks my GPS is a mouse &
starts using its output as mouse output; the cursor jumps around wildly,
picks things at random, opens & closes programs, moves toolbars, etc. I have
used the same GPS etc with earlier S & T versions without problems.
Possible solution; is there some way to lock down Windows so it only ever
looks for a mouse on one USB port and no others?

S & T 2010
Windows XP
Garmin eTrex GPS in NMEA output mode
Logitech cordless USB mouse.

Dee Earley
2010-07-15 08:37:14 UTC
Problem: every once in a while Windows suddenly thinks my GPS is a mouse&
starts using its output as mouse output; the cursor jumps around wildly,
picks things at random, opens& closes programs, moves toolbars, etc. I have
used the same GPS etc with earlier S& T versions without problems.
Possible solution; is there some way to lock down Windows so it only ever
looks for a mouse on one USB port and no others?
Comes up with:
While it says for Windows NT, it should work with newer versions too.
Dee Earley (***@icode.co.uk)
i-Catcher Development Team

iCode Systems

(Replies direct to my email address will be ignored.
Please reply to the group.)
2010-07-17 04:01:35 UTC
Thanks for the suggestion.

Good news & bad news.

Good news; the patch at the suggested link stopped Windows from looking for
a serial mouse, so it stopped monitoring the COM ports.

Bad news; now it doesn't see the GPS.

Work-around so far:

Timing is everything. If I follow this exact sequence then there aren't any

1. Launch S&T.
2. make sure the cursor is in the screden area and that the optical mouse is
on a surface that works with the mouse.
3. Plug in the GPS, & then immediately move the mouse so Windows knows it is
still there and so it doesn't go looking for one.
4. If I don't move the mouse soon enough then things start to get flakey, so
I have to quickly unplug the GPS and start over.
Post by Dee Earley
Problem: every once in a while Windows suddenly thinks my GPS is a mouse&
starts using its output as mouse output; the cursor jumps around wildly,
picks things at random, opens& closes programs, moves toolbars, etc. I have
used the same GPS etc with earlier S& T versions without problems.
Possible solution; is there some way to lock down Windows so it only ever
looks for a mouse on one USB port and no others?
While it says for Windows NT, it should work with newer versions too.
i-Catcher Development Team
iCode Systems
(Replies direct to my email address will be ignored.
Please reply to the group.)
2010-07-18 04:06:46 UTC
Post by BillF
Timing is everything. If I follow this exact sequence then there aren't any
1. Launch S&T.
2. make sure the cursor is in the screden area and that the optical mouse is
on a surface that works with the mouse.
3. Plug in the GPS, & then immediately move the mouse so Windows knows it is
still there and so it doesn't go looking for one.
That etrex is externally powered, isn't it?

Can't say about 2010 but earlier versions warned about OS instability
caused by connecting/disconnecting a hot GPS... which was a pretty
good warning, IME.

Symptoms were similar...

- gpsman
