GPS USB Connection to S&T
(too old to reply)
2010-05-29 01:27:01 UTC
I have been using S&T with a Pocket PC for years but it died and now I am
trying to connect my GPS to S&T on a Laptop. I have been unable to find how
to configure S&T which requires a COM Port with my Pharos GPS, or for that
matter my Eartmate BT 20 GPS. My iPAQ 4700 PPC had a Bluetooth Manager that
managed the process.
Are there USB to UART drivers that provide the conversion from USB to COM
Roy Smith
2010-05-29 11:18:03 UTC
Post by JimH
I have been using S&T with a Pocket PC for years but it died and now I am
trying to connect my GPS to S&T on a Laptop. I have been unable to find how
to configure S&T which requires a COM Port with my Pharos GPS, or for that
matter my Eartmate BT 20 GPS. My iPAQ 4700 PPC had a Bluetooth Manager that
managed the process.
Are there USB to UART drivers that provide the conversion from USB to COM
Delorme has a USB to Serial adapter program, it's available here:


This program will allow using their proprietary GPS receivers with NMEA
compliant software like Streets and Trips.
Roy Smith
Windows 7 Professional

Timestamp: Saturday, May 29, 2010 6:17:59 AM
2010-05-29 16:05:01 UTC
Thank you very much indeed, thats is just the sort of solution I was hoping
for. Does S&T have something like that?
Post by Roy Smith
Post by JimH
I have been using S&T with a Pocket PC for years but it died and now I am
trying to connect my GPS to S&T on a Laptop. I have been unable to find how
to configure S&T which requires a COM Port with my Pharos GPS, or for that
matter my Eartmate BT 20 GPS. My iPAQ 4700 PPC had a Bluetooth Manager that
managed the process.
Are there USB to UART drivers that provide the conversion from USB to COM
This program will allow using their proprietary GPS receivers with NMEA
compliant software like Streets and Trips.
Roy Smith
Windows 7 Professional
Timestamp: Saturday, May 29, 2010 6:17:59 AM
2010-05-29 17:21:01 UTC
Well, guess what, DeLorme Serial Emulater does not work with Windows 7!
Thanks for your help.
Post by JimH
I have been using S&T with a Pocket PC for years but it died and now I am
trying to connect my GPS to S&T on a Laptop. I have been unable to find how
to configure S&T which requires a COM Port with my Pharos GPS, or for that
matter my Eartmate BT 20 GPS. My iPAQ 4700 PPC had a Bluetooth Manager that
managed the process.
Are there USB to UART drivers that provide the conversion from USB to COM
Roy Smith
2010-05-30 13:51:09 UTC
Post by JimH
Well, guess what, DeLorme Serial Emulater does not work with Windows 7!
Thanks for your help.
Post by JimH
I have been using S&T with a Pocket PC for years but it died and now I am
trying to connect my GPS to S&T on a Laptop. I have been unable to find how
to configure S&T which requires a COM Port with my Pharos GPS, or for that
matter my Eartmate BT 20 GPS. My iPAQ 4700 PPC had a Bluetooth Manager that
managed the process.
Are there USB to UART drivers that provide the conversion from USB to COM
Well that was the only one that I knew of personally as I had used in on
a laptop running Windows XP Pro. What version of Win 7 do you have? If
you have Professional or better, you might try using it in XP Mode.
Chances are you would have to install both S&T and the USB to serial
port emulator in XP mode for it to work properly.
2010-05-30 16:45:01 UTC
I have Home Premium 64 Bit. I'm using S&T 2008, I wonder if 2010 has gotten
past COM Ports?
Post by JimH
I have been using S&T with a Pocket PC for years but it died and now I am
trying to connect my GPS to S&T on a Laptop. I have been unable to find how
to configure S&T which requires a COM Port with my Pharos GPS, or for that
matter my Eartmate BT 20 GPS. My iPAQ 4700 PPC had a Bluetooth Manager that
managed the process.
Are there USB to UART drivers that provide the conversion from USB to COM
Dee Earley
2010-06-01 16:16:29 UTC
Post by JimH
I have Home Premium 64 Bit. I'm using S&T 2008, I wonder if 2010 has gotten
past COM Ports?
NMEA is a serial protocol.
The COM port (not necassarily a physical RS232 port) is a standard way
of talking to generic devices that use a serial protocol.
If the device uses a proprietary protocol or another communication
method, then you need something to convert it to the standard for a
standards compliance app to use.
Dee Earley (***@icode.co.uk)
i-Catcher Development Team

iCode Systems

(Replies direct to my email address will be ignored.
Please reply to the group.)
Rob Brown
2010-05-31 18:22:11 UTC
... I am trying to connect my GPS to S&T on a Laptop. I have been
unable to find how to configure S&T which requires a COM Port with
my Pharos GPS, ...
So you are trying to get the (USB connected) Pharos GPS that came with
S&T to work with S&T?

Plug in the GPS. On one of the menus you will find a "configure
GPS...". AIR, in that dialog box there is a button to search for GPS.
Once the GPS is found on one of the "com" ports, select it and then OK
or whatever button seems appropriate. That always worked for me. In
my installation (first S&T 2005, and then 2007), the driver was
installed during the S&T installation. I don't remember if I had to
ask for it or not.


- Rob
Rob Brown b r o w n a t g m c l d o t c o m
G. Michaels Consulting Ltd. (780)438-9343 (voice)
Edmonton (780)437-3367 (FAX)
2010-06-01 01:46:01 UTC
That used to work for me too. The problem I was having was the S&T COM Port
would never match the GPS setting. HP linked me to a Broadcom 2070 Bluetooth
Software and Driver program that provided a selection of COM Ports the GPS
could match.
Post by JimH
I have been using S&T with a Pocket PC for years but it died and now I am
trying to connect my GPS to S&T on a Laptop. I have been unable to find how
to configure S&T which requires a COM Port with my Pharos GPS, or for that
matter my Eartmate BT 20 GPS. My iPAQ 4700 PPC had a Bluetooth Manager that
managed the process.
Are there USB to UART drivers that provide the conversion from USB to COM