Length of UPS cable
(too old to reply)
Frank C.
2010-03-12 04:05:01 UTC
Just purchased S&T 2010 with GPS device. The usb cable is far shorter than
the usb cable/GPS sensor for my older S&T usb cable/GPS sensor so the new
sensor will not reach the top of the dashboard in my car. Can I buy a two
foot long cable as an extension or just buy one complete longer cable a 3ft
or 4ft cable? I seem to remember reading that usb cables are sensitive to
length and longer cables can effect performance. So am I safe in trying to
obtain and use a longer usb cable?
Frank C.
Dee Earley
2010-03-12 09:59:03 UTC
Post by Frank C.
Just purchased S&T 2010 with GPS device. The usb cable is far shorter than
the usb cable/GPS sensor for my older S&T usb cable/GPS sensor so the new
sensor will not reach the top of the dashboard in my car. Can I buy a two
foot long cable as an extension or just buy one complete longer cable a 3ft
or 4ft cable? I seem to remember reading that usb cables are sensitive to
length and longer cables can effect performance. So am I safe in trying to
obtain and use a longer usb cable?
Frank C.
A USB extension is fine.
You can have up to 5m between hubs and devices.
Dee Earley (***@icode.co.uk)
i-Catcher Development Team

iCode Systems
pyotr filipivich
2010-03-12 22:38:40 UTC
Let the Record show that Dee Earley <***@icode.co.uk> on or
about Fri, 12 Mar 2010 09:59:03 +0000 did write/type or cause to
Post by Dee Earley
Post by Frank C.
Just purchased S&T 2010 with GPS device. The usb cable is far shorter than
the usb cable/GPS sensor for my older S&T usb cable/GPS sensor so the new
sensor will not reach the top of the dashboard in my car. Can I buy a two
foot long cable as an extension or just buy one complete longer cable a 3ft
or 4ft cable? I seem to remember reading that usb cables are sensitive to
length and longer cables can effect performance. So am I safe in trying to
obtain and use a longer usb cable?
Frank C.
A USB extension is fine.
You can have up to 5m between hubs and devices.
Extensions are fine, but having only one cable to look for is also
a good thing. B-)
pyotr filipivich.
Just about the time you finally see light at the end of the tunnel,
you find out it's a Government Project to build more tunnel.
