MIcrosoft Streets and Tips 2009 Error Message
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David S
2010-02-08 22:43:01 UTC
I have Windows 7 with a 64 bit system. Microsoft Streets and Tips 2009 has
recently stopped working. I get the following message when trying to open it.
"Your registry settings were not copied correctly. To correct these settings,
run setup again for this application from the location where you originally
installed it". I have done this with no success. I have also removed and
reinstalled the software.

I have removied and reinstalled the software several times. I now am
receiving an error message # 1935. "an error occured during installation of
assembly policy 8.0. microsoft VC80.ATL"
2010-03-10 17:57:02 UTC
Post by David S
I have Windows 7 with a 64 bit system. Microsoft Streets and Tips 2009 has
recently stopped working. I get the following message when trying to open it.
"Your registry settings were not copied correctly. To correct these settings,
run setup again for this application from the location where you originally
installed it". I have done this with no success. I have also removed and
reinstalled the software.
I have removied and reinstalled the software several times. I now am
receiving an error message # 1935. "an error occured during installation of
assembly policy 8.0. microsoft VC80.ATL"
2010-03-10 18:00:15 UTC
David, Did you ever find out what to do in your situation because I have MS
2007 and it has stopped working showing me the same error message that you
are showing. What do I do?
Post by David S
I have Windows 7 with a 64 bit system. Microsoft Streets and Tips 2009 has
recently stopped working. I get the following message when trying to open it.
"Your registry settings were not copied correctly. To correct these settings,
run setup again for this application from the location where you originally
installed it". I have done this with no success. I have also removed and
reinstalled the software.
I have removied and reinstalled the software several times. I now am
receiving an error message # 1935. "an error occured during installation of
assembly policy 8.0. microsoft VC80.ATL"
2010-03-13 19:03:20 UTC
Same here, but was recued by MS tech support.
THere is a small batch file they will install on your PC wich resets some registry entries.

Found the solution at laptopgpsworld.com

Here are the toll free #'s :

877 568 2495 or 800 426 9400.

Joe wrote:

David, Did you ever find out what to do in your situation because I have

David, Did you ever find out what to do in your situation because I have MS
2007 and it has stopped working showing me the same error message that you
are showing. What do I do?

"David S" wrote:

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