Your registry settings were not copied
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2010-02-05 03:08:01 UTC
Tried to install S7T 2010 on win 7 in compatible mode and admin.
Still get message " Your registry settings were not copied correctly.
To correct these settings, run setup again for this application.
Have done so and come up with the same problem.
Have followed all the suggestions offered on the discussion group site to no
Am stuck with what to do now.
2010-03-10 18:12:04 UTC
What did you do? I am getting the same error message on my MS 2007 and I do
not know what to do about it. One day it was working the next day this error
message pops up. I have reloaded the software many times now and I am
frustrated. I was going to purchase the new MS 2010 version but if this is
the way MS is I will go to another software company all together. I love MS
but I can not seem to make this MS work. What do you do?
Post by GeorgeV
Tried to install S7T 2010 on win 7 in compatible mode and admin.
Still get message " Your registry settings were not copied correctly.
To correct these settings, run setup again for this application.
Have done so and come up with the same problem.
Have followed all the suggestions offered on the discussion group site to no
Am stuck with what to do now.
2010-03-18 00:51:01 UTC
I also have the same problem. Tried to start M&S8 this morning and I get this
error message. I figure its about time to upgrade, so I get 2010 and after it
installs I get the same message. This program is great for finding the places
that I have to and with the Bing thing included its almost impossible to get
Post by Joe
What did you do? I am getting the same error message on my MS 2007 and I do
not know what to do about it. One day it was working the next day this error
message pops up. I have reloaded the software many times now and I am
frustrated. I was going to purchase the new MS 2010 version but if this is
the way MS is I will go to another software company all together. I love MS
but I can not seem to make this MS work. What do you do?
Post by GeorgeV
Tried to install S7T 2010 on win 7 in compatible mode and admin.
Still get message " Your registry settings were not copied correctly.
To correct these settings, run setup again for this application.
Have done so and come up with the same problem.
Have followed all the suggestions offered on the discussion group site to no
Am stuck with what to do now.