Pushpin data problem in upgrade to S&T 2010
(too old to reply)
2009-12-28 15:48:02 UTC
I installed S&T 2010 and loaded maps from S&T 2005. The pushpins appear to
be in the proper places, but the data is incorrect. If the original pushpin
had just a title but no address, S&T 2010 added a bogus address from some
other pushpin. Any advice on how to fix this? I could try exporting from
S&T 2005 to some other format and then import that file into S&T 2010.

On a less important note, the pushpin icons also look weird, like they're
rendered at the wrong resolution. I'm not sure what to make of it, whether
it's truly a problem or whether it's a function of my using XP or just lousy
2009-12-29 15:41:45 UTC
Post by RS
I installed S&T 2010 and loaded maps from S&T 2005. The pushpins appear to
be in the proper places, but the data is incorrect. If the original pushpin
had just a title but no address, S&T 2010 added a bogus address from some
other pushpin. Any advice on how to fix this? I could try exporting from
S&T 2005 to some other format and then import that file into S&T 2010.
On a less important note, the pushpin icons also look weird, like they're
rendered at the wrong resolution. I'm not sure what to make of it, whether
it's truly a problem or whether it's a function of my using XP or just lousy
I opened one of my old S&T 2005 maps in S&T 2010 and didn't have the problems you describe. I do recall some problems with a few pushpins when moving from 2005 to 2008, and corrected several pushpins with POIConverter (http://rjdavies.users.btopenworld.com/html/poiconverter.html).

The pushpin icons on the opened 2005 map look the same as the 2010 icons. They do have a low-resolution look to them, but I've never paid much attention to that. Also using XP.

2009-12-29 20:35:01 UTC
Thanks for your help. I was able to fix most of the problem.

It appears that my original 2005 files had some weirdness to them. They had
multiple pushpin sets, although I don't know why. When looking at the Legend
and Overview, which I always turn off, I could see My Pushpins, My Pushpins
2, My Pushpins 3, etc. 99% of my pushpins were in My Pushpins, and the other
sets contained just one or two pushpins. I have no idea how these other sets
were created.

Anyway, I right-clicked My Pushpins, chose Copy, and pasted them into a new
2005 map. I then opened that new (cleaner?) 2005 map in 2010. That worked,
in that there was no bogus address data added to pushpins that had no
address, however it appears that some pushpins lost their addresses. All in
all, it seems to be close enough.

As for the icons, I found a picture of the new set:
Loading Image...

This confirms the bad resolution. For example, the icon at the top of the
17th column is supposed to be a shopping cart. It's almost unrecognizable,
as are others. If you look at the 2005 icons, you'll see that they are more
2009-12-29 21:24:39 UTC
Post by RS
Thanks for your help. I was able to fix most of the problem.
It appears that my original 2005 files had some weirdness to them. They had
multiple pushpin sets, although I don't know why. When looking at the Legend
and Overview, which I always turn off, I could see My Pushpins, My Pushpins
2, My Pushpins 3, etc. 99% of my pushpins were in My Pushpins, and the other
sets contained just one or two pushpins. I have no idea how these other sets
were created.
Anyway, I right-clicked My Pushpins, chose Copy, and pasted them into a new
2005 map. I then opened that new (cleaner?) 2005 map in 2010. That worked,
in that there was no bogus address data added to pushpins that had no
address, however it appears that some pushpins lost their addresses. All in
all, it seems to be close enough.
This confirms the bad resolution. For example, the icon at the top of the
17th column is supposed to be a shopping cart. It's almost unrecognizable,
as are others. If you look at the 2005 icons, you'll see that they are more
It could be the multiple pushpin sets were created by copying pushpins
from other maps. I've had to clean up that kind of thing in the past.
The pushpins that lost addresses might be because S&T couldn't find an
identical address in its current maps, though that's just speculation.

Thanks for providing the link to the pushpin image. I no longer have
2005 installed so can't compare. It hasn't bothered me, because I
haven't changed the icons. It may start bothering me now!

