Advanced Toolbar Not Displaying Zoom Slide and Map Type - S&T 2010
(too old to reply)
2010-08-11 15:14:03 UTC
I installed S&T 2010 on Vista. Works okay, except whenever I first start it,
the Advanced Toolbar does not display the zoom slide nor the map type
pulldown. It only displays the search box. If I drag the toolbar so that
it's in its own popup window, the slide and map type appear. I can then drag
it back to the main window and all displays okay. This is a pain to have to
do every time I invoke the application!


Greg H.
2010-08-11 15:37:15 UTC
I installed S&T 2010 on Vista.  Works okay, except whenever I first start it,
the Advanced Toolbar does not display the zoom slide nor the map type
pulldown.  It only displays the search box.  If I drag the toolbar so that
it's in its own popup window, the slide and map type appear.  I can then drag
it back to the main window and all displays okay.  This is a pain to have to
do every time I invoke the application!
Configure your screen as you want it and Save as default map.

- gpsman
